"I'm not interested in how people move, but what moves them." - Pina Bausch

100+ projects — Commercial, Office, Hotel, Entertainment, Exhibition, Residential, Retail properties performed for value addition

11+ Cities — Work completed in more than 11 cities based on a great understanding of global property dynamics including Seoul, Pangyo, Incheon, Hanam, Boryung, Jeju, Busan, Tokyo, New York, Suzhou, Astana & etc.

17years — Experience in Space programming, Project Management, Design & Supervision within deep understandings of regulations throughout various types experiences.

Parascope is a small-but-strong boutique firm intensively focused on space programming, strategy and design work based in Seoul since 2006.

We believe that creating a compelling experience begins with a meticulous effort to define the content of that space.

Hannamdaero 10Gil 58-7
Yongsan Gu, Seoul
Republic of Korea 04420

+82 2 517 7273

Company portfolio in PDF format is available upon email request

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